EU Parliament breakfast discusses on “Standardisation of Heathcare Services and Patient Safety”
On 27th of May 2015 the Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists, together with the German Medical Association and the German Dental Association organized a breakfast debate in the EU-Parliament on Standardisation of Healthcare Services and Patient Safety. The breakfast debate was hosted by MEP Dr. Angelika Niebler (German, EPP) and MEP Dr. Andreas Schwab (German, EPP). About 25 representatives from the EU-Parliament, the EU-Commission, Regional German State Ministries, German health provider organizations, including hospitals, from The Standing Committee of European Doctors and the European Social Insurance Platform attended the discussion.

The speakers expressed their concerns on current activities of the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) in the development of standards for healthcare services. They agreed:This activities are superfluous, inexpedient, intervene in national competences and raise serious concerns with regard to legitimacy and the preparation process. The standardisation of health professional services lacks market relevance and added value. At the conclusion of presentations, a lively discussion took place on the need, to develop standing principles for health care in a transparent process by independent medical and therapeutic experts. Standards from the CEN as a profit organization should refer on technical standards for products and should not be extended on public services and health care.
CEN is currently developing standards e.g. in the field of cosmetic surgery, treatment of cleft lips, homeopathy and osteopathy, dealing with requirements of documentation, qualification and for facilities. These activities are initiated by national members within the CEN. The EU Commission is empowered by regulation to initiate standardization processes, including public services and health care.
The hosting Members of Parliament of the event, Dr. Angelika Niebler and Dr. Andreas Schwab, announced to engage for a position of the Parliament that health care services should be taken out of the Commission’s activities in the field of standardisation.
Programme Parliamentary Breakfast 27 May 2015
Dr Nikolaus Melcop (BPtK) on “Standardisation Of Therapeutic Services Using The Example Of Psychotherapy”, Text Of Speech
GVG EU Committee, Position of “Standardisation Of Healthcare Services”